

This website represents the research that was primarily conducted by Daniel (Dan) Gross. The research itself is a labor of love and it is our hope it is both interesting and useful to the surviving Ritchie Boys, their families or anyone with an interest in their unique stories. There have been movies and books written on this subject. This site is focused on demographics to a degree and as time permits, we'll be other information and content up.

We hope to continue adding content regularly as well as some of the great photographs that have been found at the National Archives. We're going as fast as we can. So, if you have any questions, or information on any of the Ritchie Boys please contact us. You can see their names listed on the site already. But there is still a lot we don't know, and we would love to hear from you.

The original version of this website was created and maintained by Daniel (Dan) Gross. Without his numerous years of dedication towards the Ritchie Boys, this website would not exist. 

This website is now controlled by a group of "Ritchie Boy" experts. They are now the owners of this website, the domain, and its contents.

The contents and writing on this website, except where specifically stated, is collectively known as "Secret Heroes: Camp Ritchie and the Making of the Ritchie Boys", and is Copyright © 2018-2024 www.theritchieboys.com

This website is not an official page of "The Ritchie History Museum".

Some material used is with permission. 

All rights reserved.